Miami Valley Scouting America
Scout Out An Adventure
Join the 100+ year legacy of scouting in the Miami Valley. From new Cub Scouts to treasured alumni, there is a place for you in the Scouts.

for scouting
We provide all the vital tools you need to make the most of your involvement with the Scouts, whether you are an eager, first-time Den parent or a youth Scout motivated to advance. Find practical supplies and vital resources here.
The camping program in the Miami Valley Council is one of the richest in Ohio, offering day and weekend camp programs. Operating two world-class properties, Cricket Holler Scout Camp and Schiewetz Leadership Training Camp, the Council has a strong foothold in the area for outdoor activities, suitable for all types of outings.

Join Us For Your Next Adventure
We host a wide range of events for Scouts in the Miami Valley. From meetings for our engages leaders too amazing activities for our youth. Find all the information you need to join us on our Calendar.
Upcoming Events
About Our Programs
The units within the Miami Valley Council provide the ultimate combination for youth development and family connection: proven programs, dedicated, ever-learning leaders and access to quality outdoor educational facilities. Discover the trail that’s right for you and your family.

Join Scouts Today!
Scouting is for all. All who are willing to learn and have fun. Scouting follows a faithful legacy of service, achievement, hands-on learning, and lifelong adventure. Find your local unit with the Miami Valley Council.

About Our Council
Miami Valley Council, Scouting America guides nearly 3,000 girls and boys in five counties in southwest Ohio. Our dedicated council offers unparalleled programs that teach leadership and citizenship through fun and exciting adventures for the whole family.

Donate Today!
Our goal as the Miami Valley Council is to become the most impactful youth organization in our region; to be known as a force for good; to build stronger communities and tomorrow's leaders.
Scouting News

Fall Means Cub Scout Recruitment
School is heading back into session so now is the perfect time to recruit new Cub Scouts. Packs just need to follow 3 easy steps:
Step 1: Schedule a recruitment night at your local elementary school.
Step 2: Update your pin so new families can find you and register.
Step 3: Request your recruitment flyers and Facebook ads to get the word out.
Set up camp with your closest friends, family, and unit members at one of our premier outdoor facilities! We also invite local organizations to come experience our sites’ offerings. Discover the camping destination perfect for your upcoming adventure.