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Commissioner’s Corner – March

Hello Scouters!

First, thanks for all you do for your Units, Districts, and the Miami Valley Council. With COVID restrictions relaxing, the Scouts and Scouters are once again out and about and doing “Scouting things” the way they were intended to be done. In-person meetings, camping, Scouting for Food, service projects and all sorts of fun activities that make up our Scouting world.


One of our more recent changes is the ability to meet in-person at various events, trainings, and District functions and 0ne of the most important District functions is Roundtable. In a recent meeting with my Commissioner staff, we noticed a decline in Roundtable attendance either in-person or via Zoom. There may be many reasons for the decline, but our goal is to turn that around and increase attendance. The Roundtable event is open to all Scouters, not just leaders. It’s a place to learn, network and just be with other like-minded folks that carry out the Scouting program every day. Below is a brief description of Roundtables and the reason to attend:

Roundtables provide unit leaders with the skill to do and the will to do what is needed to ensure that every member of every unit has a great Scouting experience. They build upon the foundation provided by position-specific basic training and each leader’s commitment to serving youth through Scouting.


Roundtables exist to:

·     Provide information

·     Capture information and feedback

·     Offer current program training

·     Provide networking opportunities


Roundtables are a collaborative effort coordinated by Unit Service (commissioners) and supported by commissioned professionals and district operations (Program, Membership, and Finance). Active participation by all roundtable participants increases the value of attendance for everyone. We look forward to providing you with meaningful topics at every roundtable that will help you deliver a fun and exciting Scouting experience to your Scouts!


See you on the Scouting Trail! and at the Roundtables!

Jim Crawford
Council Commissioner