Welcome Our New Scout Shop Manager
Save The Date of August 6th for our Council Recognition Luncheon
Tornado Relief Effort! Calling All Scouts!
Rotary Clubs from across the Miami Valley (Rotary District 6670) are coming together to support those in Elizabethtown, KY. We are calling for our Scouts to do their Good Turn to support this Supplies Collection Drive. Monday, December 20th 7:15am – 7:15pm Tuesday, December 21st
Pardon Our Dust! Improvements at Cricket Holler
UPDATE – Defining ‘the Property Footprint’ of our Future
As shared previously, in the month of August, the Miami Valley Council Key 3 leadership team held FIVE listening sessions throughout our council territory to share updates regarding several challenges facing the Scouting movement on a national and local level largely due to the ongoing
The “Just a Half Mile More” 5K Run & Hike
It is once again time to plan for our annual 5K Run and Hike, hosted by the Council Committee on International Scouting. This year’s 5K is planned to be an in person (not virtual) event, and registration will be announced after the first of the
Join our Membership Drive this Fall with #YourScoutSign
This fall over a thousand signs will be in the front yards of Scouters across the Miami Valley. Show your support and invite your community to join Scouting by being a part of this drive. As parents and grandparents drive past your Scout sign they
National Global Resolution Update from MVC
Volunteer Opportunities at our Service Center
We would like to add you to the Miami Valley Council BSA Team! Many of you reading this notice are already valued volunteers with the Council. From time to time, we have a major project come along that requires some extra hands, such as putting together